A Child Over a King (Reflective Verse 2 of 9 for Advent Watch )

Did the stars and the sky tell you?
O, precious child, where were you born?
A song was heard so long ago,
A child of promise to the crowd.

Great ones would bow, kneel to the child,
But a rogue king seeks without sleep;
The child he desires to defraud,
With greed, his power all to keep.

What a babe in a manger holds,
What threat does it pose to pharaohs?
But is the future in the child?
And is tomorrow in its breath?

In the river floated Moses,
A song tells the story of old.
God’s son Egypt and Pharaoh flees,
Not the king holds him, only God.

Little ones and poor will find him,
The meek and lowly shall discover.
But the strong and mighty are blind,
They see only a little child.

Despite the sword the rogue king pokes,
The irony to force and might,
In meekness is this little child,
The way of force to set aside.

Why do you seek this little child?
What glory does it hold at hand?
It sleeps at manger with donkeys,
Colt and ass witness against kings.

~ S. J. Earl P. Canlas

(We are seeing the last few weeks of 2013 as we move to celebrate the Advent and Christmas spirit. We should tremble at the thought of the Christmas story for we protect the powerful among us, even today. We glorify their exploits more than justice that God seeks from them. Shake in the mystery of God’s light breaking through the darkness.)

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