A Star so Bright in My Heart (Reflective Verse 3 of 9 for Advent Watch )

Twinkle, twinkle…little, little star!
Brightly shine, in my heart and mind.
Despite the dark spaces in the sky;
Add to my delight, twinkle afar!

Many stories were told by old men;
Many children lit up their faces,
To hear lighted sky as mysteries.
Of little star, of blessings times ten!

On the night of a little babe’s birth,
Came out a star, in my mind so bright.
O, a shepherd boy, not much to count,
Finds the shining light warming the heart!

Why honor for such child so little?
Why such songs sing glory the angels?
Jesus, they call out his name in peace,
They sing of a Savior-Christ: Jesus!

Have you seen him yet, his brightness shines!
Honor him, have you been at his feet?
A child whose mission is spelled for us,
A child whose future is shed for us!

The darkness of the soul he will wash,
On darkness of the world, his star will light.
A people in despair he will cheer,
Flashing to our day, Joy of Ages!

~ S. J. Earl P. Canlas

(We are seeing the last few weeks of 2013 as we move to celebrate the Christmas spirit. We should tremble at the thought of the Christmas story for we protect the powerful among us, even today. We glorify their exploits more than justice that God seeks from them. Shake in the mystery of God’s light breaking through the darkness.)